Zellie's Blog

You will quickly see results in weeks – and the benefits will continue as your teeth feel better and look stronger and cleaner, year after year.
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By a child’s first birthday, front incisor teeth provide a surface for plaque germs to grow and multiply. Pediatric studies show that children with healthy teeth at 4 years old are 80 percent more likely to have good teeth for life.
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For generations people have believed that sugar is the enemy of teeth and that flossing is the answer! Facts prove this is NOT true. The biggest enemy of oral health is acidity in your mouth.
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Wishing for a healthier mouth? Want to put an end to gum disease, cavities, and other oral health issues? Take control of your own oral health. You can achieve Ultimate Oral Health this year by understanding these 5 Oral Wellness Points.
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Consider if the traditional oral health recommendations are working and effective for YOU. You may believe brushing and flossing is the only way, but there are radically different strategies that consider the biology, chemistry, and physics of mouth health.
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With a few easy steps, you CAN reverse tooth sensitivity! The tooth-friendly xylitol in Zellie's is a perfect way to start eliminate tooth sensitivity.
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Artificial whitening pulls minerals from tooth enamel causing sensitivity. Sensitivity toothpastes are NOT the solution, they only mask the symptoms. Learn how to eliminate tooth sensitivity naturally and effectively.
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Do dental cleanings improve the health of our mouths? Be sure to ask your dentist why you "need" a cleaning. There are pros and cons of having regular dental cleanings. Understand what dental cleaning cadence is right for you.
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Your mouth is full of bacteria -- both good, protective, beneficial bacteria and harmful, disease-promoting bacteria. Just like with the bacteria in your gut, the goal for a healthy mouth is to promote the ...
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Zellie's can help prevent damage caused by plaque, mouth acidity, or dry mouth. Xylitol is essential for denture wearers – keeping the mouth and lips clear of infections like thrush, oral sores or angular cheilitis.
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Teeth have a blood and lymph supply connected to our body’s main circulation. Liquids and cells travel through channels inside the tooth, keeping it hydrated and supplying minerals to repair dentin and defend teeth from infection.
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